This is the twelfth and last in my series of articles about our plans for the Pavilion. When I started I never thought I’d get to the end! The loading area is an important part of any multi-use building as it is the place that makes those fast changeovers occur; which in turn make the building work.

When we have moved the toilets, post eleven, we will have a space, which is out of the way, where we can park small and medium sized lorries; so that they can be unloaded and reloaded. In the old days much of this equipment seems to have gone in through the front door! There was a hoist at the back of the building to lift equipment through holes in the floor; which would be covered over afterwards. We wanted a better arrangement than this and in any case, that sort of procedure would not meet today’s health and safety requirements. Hence the need for a goods lift, covered in my post ten. This lift will arrive at the ground floor next to a roller-door to allow access.

Outside will be the space for vehicles to park for loading. Here is an example of a possible Saturday in the summer: • 8am: Pavilion staff arrive and roll back the movable seating to expose the ballroom floor. They clear the removable seats into the carousels and use the goods lift to move them to the store on the mezzanine floor. • 9am: the roller door is opened and the table top traders use the goods lift to move their items up to the ballroom. Our staff start to move out and lay up the tables. • 9-11am: our staff ensure that traders move their cars once they have unloaded, to create space for other traders to use. • 11am: the table top sale starts, the roller doors are closed and the vans are moved to other parking places. • The downstairs toilet becomes available to the public during the day. • 2pm: the band, which is playing that night, arrives and uses the goods lift to move their gear onto the stage. The stage curtain is closed to reduce the noise. The stage lighting is organised at this time. • 4pm: the table top sale ends and traders start to use the goods lift to move their unsold goods back down to the loading area. • 6pm: the ballroom is free and the band carries out its sound-check and adjusts the lighting in the ballroom. • 7pm; the public toilet is closed to outside users. • 7.30pm: guests for the concert start to arrive and use the bar. • 8pm: the concert starts. • 11pm: the concert ends. • 12 midnight: the band is packed up and out of the building.

A busy day, but that will be life in our Pavilion!
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