I have just had a meeting with Lynn and showed her around the Grand Pavilion.
She has stressed the need to have a Marketing Strategy and constant communication with the public about our plans and how they are developing.
Although I think that we have done really well so far, we can always find ways to do this better. What was amazing; whilst we were talking no less than two people came up to us. Both congratulated The Group about what we were doing, but neither was clear about where we were with the funding!
Good to meet you Gregor; there are so many marketing and PR opportunities at the Pavilion it could be hard to choose 'which way to go', the strategy will agree what the direction is and makes all the operational decision-making much easier. BUT FIRST it would be great to have a huge notice board by the road and one by the footpath at the back - interpreting the activities and replaced every 2-3 months. This will tell all those passers-by, local and not, what is going on and how they can help.